Registering for this year’s River Symposium allows us to run things much more smoothly upon your arrival. As in years past, we are once again asking everyone to register for this event as this will continue to aid us in a seamless symposium, as well as prepare us if the symposium should unexpectedly move to virtual. It will be free and will only take a minute.
Registration provides you a copy of the symposium proceedings, access to all the Zoom links (should we go virtual), and subsequent symposium newsletters and updates.

Program with Abstracts
Digital copies of the 2022 River Symposium Program with Abstracts, which includes copies of the oral and poster presentations, is now available. Click the button below to download a PDF copy that can be printed or viewed on your desktop or mobile device. Zoom links to virtual sessions are also embedded within the program, so you can simply click on the link to go directly to the session.

Keynote Speakers

Sid Hill
Tadodaho (chief) of the Onondaga, Sid is the Keeper of the Flame of the Six Nation Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

Betty Lyons
President and Executive Director of the American Indian Law Alliance (AILA), Betty is an Indigenous and environmental activist and citizen of the Onondaga Nation.

Lance Wilt
A professional fly-fishing guide for the past two decades in North and South America, Lance has authored several technical articles in industry leading publications.

Jeff Janvrin
Mississippi River Habitat Specialist with the State of Wisconsin – Department of Natural Resources,, Jeff is a leading scientist on large-scale river and wetland ecosystem studies.
November 4, 2022
7:00-7:05 pm – Welcome
Matt Higgins, Faculty Director
Bucknell Center for Sustainability and the Environment
7:05-7:20 pm – Opening Remarks
John Bravman, President
Bucknell University
7:20-7:30 pm – Announcements
Benjamin Hayes, Symposium Chair
7:30-8:00 pm – Keynote Address
Sid Hill, Tadodaho (chief) of the Onondaga
8:00-10:00 pm – Poster Session
Terrace Room
Elaine Langone Center
9:00-10:00 pm – Ice Cream Social
9:45-10:00pm – Student Poster Awards
November 5, 2022
9:00-9:30 am – Plenary Address
Betty Lyons, President and executive director of the American Indian Law Alliance (AILA)
9:45-10:15 am – Plenary Address
Lance Wilt, Professional fly-fishing guide and author. Lance coached the United States Youth Fly Fishing Team to it’s first gold medal in international competition
10:30-11:00 am – Plenary Address
Jeff Janvrin, State of Wisconsin – Department of Natural Resources
11:00 am – 12:00 pm – Exhibits
1:00pm-3:00pm Exhibits remain open
12:00-1:00 pm – Lunch
1:00-4:00 pm – Oral Presentations
4:00-4:15 pm – Wrap Up

Learn more about the fantastic work underway by agencies and watershed groups throughout the Mid-Atlantic region and interact with representatives.
Exhibits will be on display from 11 am to 4 pm in the Center Room of the Elaine Langone Center.

Coming together to inspire change
This symposium draws together people from all walks of life who share a common interest in rivers, watersheds, communities, and the connections therein. It also offers a time and a place where the public can interact with academics, professionals, and regulators, all working toward the same goal – ensuring our watersheds remain healthy for generations to come.
This year’s event, themed will highlight and promote collaborative partnerships that focus on improving the health and resilience of streams and aquatic ecosystems.

Commitment to Care
Bucknell is preparing to host this year’s symposium as an in-person event so that all individuals onsite — attendees, speakers, staff, vendors, and venue personnel — remain safe and comfortable. Creating a safe, worry-free symposium experience is our top priority.
We are monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and following the guidance of our partners at Geisinger Medical Center, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Center for Disease Control.
Up-to-date information on COVID and events on the Bucknell campus is available at: https://www.bucknell.edu/life-bucknell/fall-reopening. Should conditions change, we are prepared to offer the symposium entirely online (virtual) like we did last year.
Getting Here
Please feel free to use the helpful links below to plan your trip to the River Symposium
“This is a terrific event! It’s great to see the students present their posters on Friday night and attend the talks and breakout sessions on Saturday. I made a lot of contacts too.” (member of the public)
““I get a lot out of the plenary talks, breakout discussions, oral presentations, and conversations over lunch. I learned so much and plan to come back next year.” (undergraduate student)
“I really appreciate the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of this symposium. It’s a great networking event too. The evening social during Friday’s poster session and the lunch and refreshments during the exhibits are a very nice touch.” (member of local conservancy)
“I really appreciate the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of this symposium. It’s a great networking event too. The evening social during Friday’s poster session and the lunch and refreshments during the exhibits are a very nice touch.“I like how this symposium tries to weave together art, religion, science, economics and policy. I hope Bucknell continues it for many years to come.“ (local citizen)

The River Symposium is an educational outreach event offered by the Bucknell Center for Sustainability & the Environment.
For more information, please contact Dr. Benjamin Hayes, Director of the Watershed Sciences and Engineering Program at the BCSE.