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Brandon Karcher

How a Karst Watershed Swallowed Half of the Excess Rainfall in Its Wettest Year Ever

63.75 inches of rainfall and snowmelt water made 2018 the wettest year in 122 years of record for the Spring Creek Watershed in Centre County, PA. Yet it experienced very limited overbank stream flooding even though its 30-year average annual precipitation of 40.66 inches was exceeded by 57%. This presentation will explain how the unique combination of its hydrogeologic characteristics enabled this karst watershed to convert the excess rainfall into stored groundwater recharge instead of floodwater runoff. Much of the storm-water runoff from the watershed’s surrounding mountain ridges flowed into sinkholes at the base of the ridges and was directly converted into groundwater recharge, thereby mitigating storm-water flooding. You will learn the details of how this watershed’s unique carbonate flow systems took in and stored 38 billion gallons of groundwater recharge from the 70 billion gallons of above-normal precipitation for a capture ratio of 55%.

Ecological Vitality: The Critical Third Leg of Sustainability @ Bucknell

Sustainability @ Bucknell praxis can be viewed in multidimensions with three critical legs on the tripod of both short- and longer-term resiliency and endurance of the campus community. These three legs are waste reduction, decarbonization and ecological vitality. Ecological vitality deals with natural habitat diversity and overall balance through effective conservation, restoration and protection. These three legs of sustainability are both interrelated and interdependent. An effective management for ecological vitality will results in both waste reduction and decarbonization. Each leg of the sustainability tripod require effective management, leadership and governance processes. At Bucknell, these processes are driven by key stakeholder groups beginning with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Subcommittee of the Board of Trustees (BOT) to the individual students, faculty, staff and the larger local-to-global Bucknell community. The paper presents the structural and process mechanisms established and implemented to ensure Bucknell’s journey towards ecological vitality through conversation and restoration.

Sustainability at Bucknell: A Local-to-Global Riverfront Learning Community

Sustainability is the ability of a community to endure and remain resilient socially, technologically and environmentally. At the most local level, a community is a collection of families and globally, a collection of nations. On this local-to-global continuum are institutions, corporations and political units such as states, counties, cities and townships. Governance processes in these communities must recognize contemporary challenges and constraints to deploy appropriate technologies and build infrastructure for local resilience and endurance with global equity. As a community, Bucknell University Strategic Plan for 2025 stipulates the establishment and implementation of an environmental sustainability plan. This paper presents the process of simultaneously developing and implementing the sustainability plan through four transdisciplinary and cross-functional working groups of students, faculty and staff.

Wolf Run Restoration Project: Continuation of Monitoring Four Farms Completing BMP’s in Partnership With Lycoming County Conservation District.

The aim of this study is to look at density and diversity of fish surveys since the institution of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Wolf Run watershed. The TMDL was developed in 2002 because of major impairments seen. Since then, the TMDL has been completed in 2013 by Pennsylvania DEP. In 2015 the Lycoming County Conservation District identified four farm sites for participation in Best Management Practices (BMP) and yearly evaluation. The Clean Water Institute interns this summer were tasked with helping complete the annual fish surveys for the four farm sites. In addition to the fish survey, monthly water chemistry and coliform samplings were collected. Then, the macroinvertebrate samples were completed in October 2020. The fish surveys have been collected since 2017, a year before the project was completed for a base survey. Interpretation of the fish surveys was completed through a program called MicroFish and the Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index. The density of fish found at farm sites 2-4 have gone up an average of 1000 fish per kilometer. The one exception being site 1 (Artley Farm), which saw a slight decrease. The diversity index shows a consistent trend, with some minor fluctuations. Furthermore, an Index of Biological Integrity shows that none of the sites are impaired biologically and are improving since the input of the BMP’s. Site 3 (Fry Farm) is still close to impairment, but is continuing to improve annually. By 2025 it is predicted that these sites will no longer be impaired, and the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment will be extensively lowered with an increase in diversity and density. Finally, Lycoming College CWI will continue to partner and assist on this project.

Conservation genomics of Pennsylvania-threatened Baptisia australis var. australis: an investigation in riparian gene flow

The perennial wildflower, Baptisia australis var. australis (L.) R. Br. is found along only four waterways in Pennsylvania: the Allegheny River, Youghiogheny River, Clarion River, and Red Bank Creek. Because of its limited distribution and small number of extant populations, B. australis var. australis is considered state-threatened in Pennsylvania. In addition, the riparian prairie habitat that Pennsylvania Baptisia australis var. australis is restricted to is also in decline and considered vulnerable in the state. Because of conservation concerns for Baptisia australis var. australis in Pennsylvania, gaining insights into the natural history and genetics of the taxon is useful for conservation practitioners. This project seeks to determine the genetic structure and health of known native populations and apply that information to understanding riparian gene flow, as well as establishing conservation units. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) was used to collect genomic data for use in population genetics analyses. My work synthesizes these data to gain insight into the metapopulation dynamics of this riparian system and examine patterns of gene flow. We found that there are three genetic groups of Baptisia australis var. australis in Pennsylvania, with one of these showing internal genetic structure. This finding can be applied to management units for the taxon. Some Pennsylvania populations are becoming increasingly isolated as well as dwindling in population size, making now an ideal time to collect seeds and facilitate gene flow while levels of inbreeding are relatively low. My research will inform the conservation status of Baptisia australis var. australis in Pennsylvania, as well as clarify lingering uncertainties about gene flow in riparian plant populations.

Watershed Awareness using Technology and Environmental Research for Sustainability (WATERS)

The Watershed Awareness using Technology and Environmental Research for Sustainability (WATERS) project funded by NSF develops and researches a student-centered, universally accessible curriculum for teaching water concepts & career awareness. Applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, the project increases awareness of and engagement with water concepts and career pathways for more learners.

Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Three Tidal Streams in Southwest Florida: Temporal and Spatial Variation

In the U.S., surface water is subject to regulatory limits for fecal indicator bacteria (FIBs) including fecal coliforms, e. coli, and Enterococci, which serve as indicators of possible contamination with human wastes and the negative health effects that can accompany it. Data from 20 years of sampling show that, among other waterbodies, tidal streams in urbanized parts of Southwest Florida have repeatedly, and by large magnitudes, exceeded the federal standards for both Enterococci (30 MPN/100mL geometric mean [GM] and 130 MPN/100mL Ten Percent Threshold Value [TPTV]) and e. coli (70 MPN/100mL GM and 410 MPN/100mL TPTV) in three target streams: Estero River, Spring Creek, and Imperial River.
The objective of this study was to characterize the spatial and temporal variations of Enterococci and e. coli in target waterbodies, and with the aim of identifying possible source locations. This research conducted a small number of sample events (3 to 8 times over one year) on a fine spatial resolution (more than one sample per linear kilometer on three 8-km stream reaches. Results were, as expected, not able to identify or compensate for variations – especially varying tides, flows, storm events, and human activities – but showed surprisingly strong ability to document differing pollutant tendencies in different portions of each reach. Upstream reaches of Estero River extending beyond residential development routinely showed very small FIB concentration while upstream reaches of Spring Creek and Imperial River, more densely developed, routinely had very high FIB concentration, documenting that human land use affects FIBs more powerfully than other potential sources (sediments, soils, non-human animals, etc.). Two reaches of Estero River near privately-operated small wastewater treatment plants showed higher concentrations in nearly every sample, documenting those as sources of particular concern. In all three streams FIBs were in high concentration near the mouth, suggesting that resuspension of estuarine sediments and/or inland movement of estuarine waters influence bacteria concentrations, a mechanism for future research to target.

Pre-restoration summary of organic matter content in Little Arnot Creek, Allegheny National Forest

Many small streams in Pennsylvania have become incised due to human activity. This channel deepening has led to a myriad of issues including stream bank erosion and increased discharge during storm events. Headwater streams serve as a critical link between terrestrial and downstream ecosystems in transporting organic material. Both dissolved (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) play a role in the global carbon cycle and serve as an energy source for aquatic heterotrophic bacteria. In the Allegheny National Forest, we are implementing adaptive management strategies on Little Arnot Creek to document changes in organic material. These improvements include the placement of whole trees (with canopy and rootwad), as well as logs in the stream and floodplain. Restoration work is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2021. The goals of the project are to slow the movement of water, raise the water table, disperse more water onto the floodplain, and to increase the storage capacity of organic material within the watershed. We have collected replicate water samples monthly since September 2019 to assess baseline conditions of DOC and POC concentration and DOC quality (absorbance and fluorescence). Water samples are collected by hand at six permanent stations on Little Arnot Creek. We also collect water from a two stations within Cherry Run (control stream). Preliminary data suggests the DOC concentration and quality vary seasonally and that POC concentrations are low.

Leveraging the Bucknell Green Fund for a more Sustainable Kinney Natatorium

Leveraging the Bucknell Green Fund for a more Sustainable Kinney Natatorium
Stephen P. Durfee
Campus Energy Manager/MSUS ‘21
2020 Susquehanna River Symposium
Bucknell University


The Bucknell Green Fund is a revolving loan fund that pays for campus sustainability projects that have economic, environmental and social benefit. The annual cost savings associated with the reduction in resource consumption, revolve back into the Green Fund each year for 10 years, thus making the fund a self-sustaining mechanism to drive sustainability on campus.

Kinney Natatorium is a top rated, high quality, olympic size swimming and diving facility for NCAA division 1 athletes and regional high school competitions. Natatorium operations create a significant environmental footprint as they are intense consumers of energy, used to maintain water and air quality and clarity, 24/7. Additionally, precious, potable water must be continuously consumed and chemically treated and discharged to the municipal wastewater plant for treatment and eventual discharge into the Susquehanna river.

The intent of this abstract is to highlight a demonstration of three Green Fund projects that support triple bottom line facilities management, advancing sustainability at Bucknell University:

Activated glass pool filter media project: superior to sand as a water filtering media, resulting in premium water quality and clarity, lower chloramine levels for swimmers, 50% reduction in chlorine usage and 300,000 gal/yr water savings due to less filter backwashing required.
Sump pump project: a portable pump was regularly used to draw groundwater from beneath the pool floor and sent to the sewer (reducing hydraulic pressure). A permanent pumping system was installed and piped to fill the pool, thus reducing potable water usage by 230,000 gal/yr.
Air quality controls system upgrade: three very large air handlers that heat, cool, ventilate and dehumidify Kinney Natatorium were retrofitted with fan motor VSD’s and a new digital controls system allowing for a synchronous and optimal energy efficient equipment operation, ensuring better, proper pool water evaporation rates, extension of equipment life and an overall better air quality for occupants.